Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Our last day in Tamarindo, it is so sad to leave what we have come to think of as our home. Our bruises from the surfboards will last long after Gill and I get home and serve as souvenirs of a wonderful few days. Any minus points? It is hot, but shady under the huge trees with a warm breeze. The journey back over the washboard road is one I dread but fore knowledge of it would not have kept me away. We haven't slept that well due to howler monkeys pelting our roof with mangoes for nearly 40 minutes last night, far worse than the daily dawn awakening of the iguanas scooting over our heads. All in all I think this place is pretty near perfect!
There were vultures watching Gill hanging out washing this morning – she thinks they expect at least one monkey to have been permanently silenced after that racket last night!
Last night Sue went off on her bike to get some fresh tuna which she barbecued and served with guacamole, salsa and potato salad, I would have dreamed about it if we had had any sleep!
It's too hot to shop so please everyone don't expect any postcards or tequila although I would be too ashamed to go home without any coffee!


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